Công việc thiết kế Dự án Light Rail Hành lang Tây Nam đã bị tạm dừng năm 2020 sau khi cử tri từ chối một biện pháp tài trợ địa phương cho nhiều cải tiến giao thông. Vào đầu năm 2022, Metro, TriMet và Cục Quản lý Vận tải Liên bang đã hoàn thành Tuyên bố Tác động môi trường cuối cùng (FEIS) và ban hành Hồ sơ Quyết định (ROD) để đảm bảo dự án đủ điều kiện nhận tài trợ của liên bang trong tương lai. Xem trang web dự án của Metro để truy cập vào các tài liệu này.
Marquam Hill, home to numerous health care destinations, residences and supporting businesses, attracts over 18,000 employees, patients, students and residents each day from around the region. To serve this major destination, the Southwest Corridor Light Rail Project will include a connection from the Gibbs Street Station on Barbur Boulevard, up the steep inclines toward Marquam Hill.
The short but steep distance up the wooded terrain requires some combination of pathways and mechanical facilities. In early 2019, a “Green Ribbon” committee (GRC) made up of design professionals, key project partners and Marquam Hill stakeholders, explored a wide variety of connector types including bridges, gondolas, escalators, tunnels and more.
An inclined elevator was selected as the preferred connector choice. Choosing the right connector involved multiple phases of robust public engagement and technical review, including analyzing the effects on Terwilliger Parkway — a historic park resource with Federal, state and local mitigation requirements. Of the different connection options explored, the inclined elevator received the most public support, and was found to have the least impact on Terwilliger Parkway.
An inclined elevator works similar to a standard elevator but provides horizontal and vertical movement. Inclined elevators resemble historic funiculars, found throughout Europe, the US, and Canada, but use modern technology. A contemporary example can be found in Edmonton, Canada.
Two elevator cabs, each with a capacity of 40 people, will run on parallel tracks to efficiently move people up the steep slope toward Marquam Hill. A trip in the elevator will take about 60 seconds.
From the top of the inclined elevator, at Terwilliger Parkway and Campus Drive, an accessible pathway will connect to elevators within the OHSU campus.
Riders will also be able to access Line 8-Jackson Park/NE 15th Ave here, which provides frequent, door-to-door service to many Marquam Hill destinations.
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